Lovejam presents
Event Management Mentorship
Hosted by Nathan Gallagher
& Friends
01 November 2024, 18:00 | Daily Zoom
What you will receive ...
6 week programme
2 hour live online masterclass each week
2 x 1-1 coaching sessions (start & finish)
Whatsapp group for accountability & support
Weekly Q&A sessions
Budgeting/ Financial Planning Spreadsheet Template
Marketing Checklist
Mission/ Vision/ Values template
Safeguarding Framework & Template
Event Management Plan Template
Risk Assessment Template

Why you should be jumping at the opportunity to take part this time round ...
Join an inspiring & supportive community network group
Own your morning by starting the day in a positive way
Calm & focus your mind.
Boost your immune system.
Boost your resilience to stress.
Improve your mental health.
Connect body and mind.
Identify, nourish and release blockages physically, mentally and emotionally.
Develop more heart-brain coherence to tap into the intuitive wisdom of your heart.
Elevate your energy levels, strengthen your electromagnetic field and energy body.
Learn to cultivate and work with sexual energy for manifestation.
Develop a daily manifestation and intention processes that help you become in energetic vibrational alignment with the goals and future you desire.
Create & amplify your intentions through a collective practice
The Journey
Alternating days, Phil & Nathan will be delivering a daily morning class to deepen & progress your yoga, breathwork & manifestation practices.
Week 1
30 minutes Yoga with Phil
& 30 minutes breathwork flow with Nathan
Introduction to Hatha Yoga & Inspirational breathwork flow
Sun salutations
Unlocking the spine
Opening the hips
Activating & restorative breathwork
Affirmations for your highest self
Day 2
Breathwork & Mindset Manifestation with Nathan
Introduction to breathwork & mindset manifestation fundamentals
How to breath optimally
Diaphragmatic breathing flow
Balancing the nervous system flow
How my mum used subconscious reprogramming to beat stage 4 cancer.
Day 3
Yoga with Phil
Introduction to Tantra Yoga
Moon salutations
Balancing the masculine & feminine energies
Heart opening flows
Releasing Fascia
Day 4
Breathwork & Mindset Manifestation with Nathan
Activating Pranayama, restorative breathwork & creative visualisation
Essentials of Kundalini yoga
2 Stroke Breathing, Bhastrika, Kapalbhati
Balancing breathwork
Soothing breathwork
Using the senses to create a compelling vision
Day 5
Breathwork & Mindset Manifestation with Nathan
Cannaveda Yoga flow & breathwork manifestation practice.
Grounding embodied flows
Ayurvedic Yoga self massage
After our last sold out programme, here's what the participants had to say ..
"Working with Nathan has been an absolute pleasure. He is so knowledgable in breathwork and the positive benefits it can provide, he makes the science easy to understand blends the theory beautifully with practical exercises. He is highly professional, yet at the same time he is really friendly, approachable and fun. I will continue to collaborate with him as I know he is the best breathwork facilitator I have ever had the pleasure of working alongside. Thank you Nathan!'"
Rosie Peacock, Positive Psychologist and Wellness Coordinator
"Just done my first zoom class with Phil! I am feeling a deeper connection with my body, a more harmonious flow of energy and a still mind, Phil is a great Teacher that combines yoga, meditation and breath work in such a smooth way, he's style of yoga is suitable for all levels and feels very authentic, he really takes the practice back to its roots which i feel is important and has been hard for me to find a Teacher who does so."
Daniel Adio
About Your Facilitators
Phil Sweeney,
Cannaveda Yoga
Phil is an Ashtanga Yoga teacher, founder of Cannaveda Yoga, Ayurvedic Yoga Massage therapist & Yotism (Yoga for Autism instructor).
He has been building a 1-1 practice, offering yoga therapy, coaching, massage & yoga classes. 5 years of living and breathing Yogic philosophy daily and studying from many teachers and teachings all across the world, Yoga has become a passion and great form of expression for the deepest parts of Phils soul. He is deeply committed to the Yogic way of life & highly motivated to help people heal through yoga and organic herbal products.

Nathan Gallagher,
Nathan is a Transformational Breath® facilitator & trainee Oxygen Advantage® Instructor. He is the founder of Lovejam & Breath By Nathan, a platform for science backed breathwork to help optimise mental & emotional wellbeing. Nathan specialises in deep dive breathwork therapy for trauma release & emotional integration. He has a deep commitment to his own personal practice, he is well & truly obsessed with the power of conscious breathing as a practice to empower humanity. He first discovered the power of retraining the subconscious mind when he was 13 when his mother used the law of attraction to beat stage 4 cancer. He has since wrote a book on utilising the subconscious mind for self-healing.