We believe that education should be empowering, inspiring & fun. With such a diverse & talented community, we have once more curated a line up of wellbeing, music, creativity, movement & thought provoking workshops & talks for your enjoyment.
Ecstatic Dance w/ Osara Ecstatic Dance Bristol

Stevie (DJ name OSARA) is a DJ, Teacher, Facilitator and Event Producer. He founded Ecstatic Dance Bristol. He is a resident DJ at Ecstatic Dance UK (London), Dance the Medicine and Pollen Tribe. Having a love of music from a very young age and DJing from the age of 16, Stevie has an incredible, eclectic taste and deep knowledge of music. He creates deep, powerful and uplifting dance journeys often comprising Global, Underground, Tribal, Bass and Sacred dance music, full of heart and soul.
Morning Self Love Meditations w/ Grace Kinghton
Well, hello! I'm Grace and I am a meditation guide + yoga embodiment teacher. I absolutely adore teaching yoga + meditation but believe that the best inner work we do is off the mat and the meditation cushion. I'm all about connection, community + ceremony + love anything which brings us all together to celebrate the divine within each of us.
This morning meditation workshop is all about getting those gorgeous self-love juices flowing. We will join together for a couple of guided meditations; taking you right into the heart of your being. We will take a little time to listen to our heart's desires through journaling, before opening up the floor to share.
Gong Bath w/ The Mystery School of Sound

Paul & Mark are twin brothers and have been performing with the gongs for over five years and have a healing programme to complement their practice. This practice has been developed through the healing arts and esoteric teachings from Eastern and Western traditions. Their primary influences are European mysticism as well as shamanic practices from around the world.
As a duet, they play together with a number of symphonic and tuned gongs, the virtue of two performers playing the gongs allows for a binaural experience, that extends one's consciousness that much further. Together to create a layered soundscape experience for you to deeply relax and meditate into. They also complement the gongs with other instruments such as singing bowls and the flute
Yoni Shakti: Women's Yoga Circle w/ Sivani Mata

Come and share in this gathering of to connect and embrace our Shakti ~ innate feminine power. Yoni Shakti Yoga is a way of practising yoga that honours our ever-changing moods, cycles and rhythms. Bringing who we are today, right now, and moving, exploring from a place of awareness of that knowledge of what is present for us today. Experience gentle juicy yoga asana, mudra and Total Yoga Nidra. This circle is a space to pause, rest and connect to what your body needs, moving from that place; and honouring power in the source of our being.
Return of the Bardic Way w/ Luke The Northern Poet

Return of the bardic way is a 2 hours workshop that invites and encourages people to use poetry and song as a way to reconnect back to the land. A way to remember their roots and go deeper into our forgotten pagan ways.
The workshop will involve me sharing poetry and stories that have come to me on my journey. will also encourage others to write a poem using certain words that i choose in the moment.
"I am a wandering poet from the rugged lands of Britain. For many a moon I have wandered the ancient sites scattered across the globe. Seeking the wisdom and magic hidden within our long lost pagan cultures. But it wasn't until I returned to the misty isles that I was truly able to stand in my purpose. For it was here that I remembered that nothing is ever truly lost and with dedication, belief and presence all that has been forgotten remains. I have heard the songs whispered in the whirling winds.
I have bathed in the healing waters of the icy springs."
Capoeira Angola w/ Pinguim de Angola

Pinguim has been teaching Capoeira Angola since 2009 and run numerous classes and workshops in London, Oxford, Nottingham, Exeter.
The workshop starts with some traditional music to set the energy, leading into some stretching, conditioning exercises for all levels and introduction to some fun capoeira moves and sequences.
Strala Yoga w/ Kellie Jones

Kellie is a self love specialist & has been teaching Yoga for over 20 years. Her mission is to help beautiful souls like you create more magical lives, through love-based practices that allow your inner light to shine!
​Strala Yoga combines the movement and healing wisdom of tai chi with the practice forms of yoga, tai chi, qigong, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, as a way to help people release stress, heal, and move more easily through all kinds of challenge.
Upcycled Ear & Tail Making w/ Mr Bens Custom Sowing & Alterations

Do you want to learn how to sew and mend? Come along and make yourself an item to take away! Maybe a set of upcycled pointy ears or a fluffy tail? Bring your ripped/broken but loved clothes to be mended or learn to mend them yourselves! It’s sew easy!
Transformational Breath® w/ Ronica Joshi

Ronica has been working with Transformational Breath for over 10 years; 3 years personally developing her own practice and 7 years professionally teaching others. This breathwork practice offers a potent opportunity to integrate emotions & connect with higher states of consciousness.
Sacred Sexuality Through Playful Connection w/ Jote Prakash

Circle for Men and Women to connect in a deep Heart-Centred way. To explore what Sacred Sexuality means and what part the Masculine and Feminine polarities have to play. Chance to connect with your Self, your inner child, each other, The Earth and the Cosmos.
We will find out what blocks us from our essential playful nature and flow with meditation, movement, playful games, eye gazing and breathing exercises - to unblock ourselves and become free.
Drop into your Embodied Wisdom.
Take an adventure with your inner child.
Connect with another soul, heart to heart.
Upcycled Dream Catcher Making w/ Jo Econimeade

Inspiro Movement w/ Jote Prakash
Inspiro Movement is a workshop based on 5 of my favourite movement practices. Each of which I have assigned to an element: Martial Artistry - Earth. Freerunning - Water. Breakdancing - Fire. Capoeira - Air. Yoga and Meditation- Ether. The first half will be devoted to the Yang (Masculine) Energy – learning form, moves, routine. The second half will be devoted to the Yin (Feminine) Energy – free flowing, freestyle, freedom.
Overcome fear of movement.
Allow yourself to be celebrated in your unique movement.
Embody your Power and Grace.
Oneness Jam

Kirtan w/ Sivani Mata Francis

Sivani Mata is a student of bhakti yoga, and shares Kirtan. Kirtan is a deep dive into the heart through co-created song. It is a conversation with that inner place in each one of us that is ever unified with everything in creation. Each Kirtan repeats simple mantras which invoke a trance-like state within, as well as evoking the spirit of Bhakti: the mood of love. Everyone in this space is invited to add their voice, and in doing so contribute their special spice to flavour the collective soup we brew together. All are invited to be at home here to express the truth of themselves, through these songs of freedom.
Mens Circle 'Purpose & Mission' w/ Eliot Michael

Eliot is currently in training in psychotherapy and incorporates Jungian and Gestalt approaches to provide a held space for men to be met in their truth. Eliot completed his initiation with the ManKind Project in 2018 and has since facilitated MKP initiations at Embercombe. He co-runs the Men's Space at Buddhafield Festival and also facilitates regular men's circles in London.
This 2 hour workshop will offer a held space to meet each other as men, sharing from the heart and connecting with what is true for us. We will have the opportunity to look closely at our values: within ourselves, the men around us, and the world around us. By knowing what we stand for, and the world we wish to live in, we can then align ourselves with our purpose. Each man will leave the workshop with a mission statement to take forward with them into the world.
Lecture: The Shadows of Mainstream Psychedelics w/ Martha Allit Psychedelic Society

We are in the midst of a psychedelic renaissance. However, the hype around these exciting new medicines has led to a discrepancy of information Psychedelics can be unpredictable and the romanticisation of these compounds, - without harm-reduction or risk awareness - brings grave dangers. We need to question the authenticity of those holding psychedelic space, or distributing these compounds. Are they driven by desire to manifest positive change? Or are they fueling their ego, or profiteering from the growing margins of the psychedelic industry?
This talk will expose the dark underbelly of potential outcomes from our ongoing psychedelic movement, from the monopolisation and domination over psychedelics within the capitalist framework, through to the exploitation of ecological resources which threaten the very existence of plants that give us the compounds.
Lecture: Deep Ecology - A Council of All Beings w/ Lawrence Toye

What opens between us when we are held and heard as we give voice to our shared feelings for the state of the world?
What could shift in our relationship to other beings of creation if they were given a voice to share their views on Humanity?
Join this interactive, experiential process which weaves the philosophy of Deep Ecology into a held ritualistic space.
The presence of all is welcome, from those who are familiar with this process to those who are totally unacquainted with it.
Lawrence has guided and participated in multiple Deep Ecology group immersions, in Australia and the UK. Through his coaching and facilitation Lawrence advocates for healthy expression, acceptance and integration of deep emotional states.
Lecture: DMTX w/ Carl H Smith